International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Università di Firenze   Università di Pisa    Technical University of Braunschweig   Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, Università di Pisa


SCHOLARSHIPS PEGASO 2024. Deadline for applications August 5th 2024 at 12 (midday)

Call for Scholarships on ex D.M. 629/2024 - D.M. 630/2024 (PNRR).

Call for Scholarships on ex D.M. 629/2024 - D.M. 630/2024 (PNRR).  Deadline for applications 12th July 2024 at 12 (midday)

PhD DAY 2024 School of Engineering.

PhD DAY 2024 School of Engineering. S.Marta – May 23, 2024

New call XL Cycle.

New call XL Cycle. Deadline for applications 13th June 2024 at 12 (midday)

20 years of PhD program: memories and perspectives from the Alumni.

20 years of PhD program: memories and perspectives from the Alumni. On occasion of our 40th Plenary Meeting a special session


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